
Celo Connect 2022

The Celo Foundation believes in a future where people everywhere can thrive from financial inclusion,…

The difference between the blockchain and Bitcoin

If you wouldn’t call an orange fruit an orange tree and vice versa, you shouldn’t use bitcoin and blockchain interchangeably.

Bitcoin and Blockchain could help in the fight against climate change, says the UN and WEF
Surprisingly, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum have declared the potential that Bitcoin…
Eric Schmidt - Chainlink labs
Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, joins Chainlink Labs as strategic advisor
On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, Chainlink Labs, the leading provider of secure oracle solutions for…
Budweiser is launching custom NFTs
The beer giant is releasing 1936 NFTs ranging from $499 to $999.  Popular beer company,…
What is GameFi?

You’re playing Monopoly online during the weekend with friends, and as usual, they are all…