Smart contracts

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ByBit donates $134 million to its local DAO, BitDAO

Cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, ByBit announced on Thursday, 27 January, 2022, that it would be donating…

How to mint your first NFT: A step-by-step guide

A quick guide on everything you need to mint your first NFT

Introduction to smart contracts: The vending machines of the blockchain.

Learn about smart contracts, the army of computer code responsible for transactions on the blockchain.

What is the blockchain?

You’re not too far from the truth if you hear “blockchain” and think about a couple of blocks tied together with a heavy metal chain.

Introduction to gas fees: The fuel of the Ethereum blockchain

Cars need petrol to run, so does the Ethereum Blockchain. Find out how gas fees power one of the most blockchain networks

Eric Schmidt - Chainlink labs
Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, joins Chainlink Labs as strategic advisor
On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, Chainlink Labs, the leading provider of secure oracle solutions for…